All posts filed under: thoughts

December to remember.

Asperger's / Autism / blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / improve memory for work / life / memory / MovNat / New year's resolution / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab® website. I would like to thank my family, friends and clients for another wonderful year and wish everyone a happy holiday season and the very best for 2017! If you or someone you know would like to make some changes for the new year in regards to fitness, FitHab has training service options to meet your goals and needs. FitHab offers personal one on one training services, small group training, and […]

Stay active in November.

blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / improve memory for work / life / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / PHA training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

Welcome to the FitHab® website. November brings change in weather to the Bay Area. Rain or cold weather can slow or stop many people from exercising. Weather can be a factor in what many people may choose to do for exercise. It shouldn’t stop anyone from starting or continuing their work on improving or maintaining their fitness levels. In these months where the cold and/or the rain effects the usual outdoor training sessions, we adapt […]

September is here.

body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / improve memory for work / life / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized

  Welcome to the FitHab® website. Hope the summer season was fun and that you and yours enjoyed lots of outdoor activities. Lucky for us in the S. F. Peninsula we have great weather to enjoy most of the year, so that FitHab can hold the BANHM events and work with personal training clients outdoors. We’re fortunate to have this wonderful climate. So if you or someone you know would like to be more fit […]

In August we’re off to a great start!

change your life / fitness / gallery / group training / improve memory for work / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts

  Hi and welcome to the FitHab® website. July was another exciting month of BANHM and working with my personal training clients. One of the best feelings or rewards from my passion in working in the fitness field is to hear all the positive information that my clients have to share with me. A lots of the things that my clients tell me about the training results can be measured and quantified, while many other […]

See what FitHab® was up to in June.

change your life / fitness / group training / images / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / thoughts / Uncategorized

Hi and welcome to the FitHab® website. June was another fun and exciting month for my clients and me. Along with my personal fitness training work, I host the Bay Area Natural Human Movement (BANHM) group on . I am very happy to see that the group has been growing and more members are attending the events.  The BANHM group has two monthly events and is focused on learning and doing MovNat.         […]

April Autism Awareness Month

Asperger's / Autism / blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / gallery / group training / images / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

Hi and thanks for checking in on the FitHab® website. Once again, April is autism awareness month. I just want to give thanks, respect, and encouragement to my past and present autistic/Asperger’s clients and to make the community aware of how they benefit greatly from exercise. If you know someone who could benefit from exercise, please contact me for a free consultation. Please watch some of my past and current clients on this video. Thanks […]

“Let movement be thy medicine and medicine be thy movement.”

blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / images / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab® website. Happy New Year! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Holiday season. With 2016 here, we can make our resolution of becoming more fit a reality. My goal this year: Is to maintain healthy, to continue to learn, improve areas of fitness that need to be equal to the ones that are optimal, and to continue to share the knowledge of the vast benefits that fitness has to offer […]

It’s a lot about your posture!

blog / change your life / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / gallery / life / MovNat / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

  Welcome to the FitHab® website! I just wanted to share some super valuable information with you and anyone who is willing to look, listen, and learn. When I meet with my clients for the first time, we do an evaluation. In the evaluation, a major component is the postural analysis. The analysis allows me to assess the client’s posture and see any postural deviations.  If any postural deviations are found (in most cases I […]

Celebrating one of FitHab’s first client’s achievement. Doug’s 71st Birthday

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  I am always so happy to hear from former clients and how they are doing. Last week one of my first FitHab® clients wrote to me to thanks me for all that we did when we trained. Doug, “Just wanted you to know, Luis, because of your fine training the feet are fleet at my 71 yrs and 15 yrs married this month.luv…Doug & Pamela”. It’s so great to hear, see, and feel the […]

Study: Climbing Trees Significantly Improves Working Memory

body weight / change your life / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / life / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / quotes / thoughts / videos

A study named: THE WORKING MEMORY BENEFITS OF PROPRIOCEPTIVELY DEMANDING TRAINING: A PILOT STUDY,    By:  Ross G. Alloway, &  Tracy Packiam Alloway. In the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills Volume 120, Issue 3, June 2015: 766–775.; has given scientific research support for my phyilosophy of fitness training methodologies. The article found on CBS Tampa, Softpedia, and more, can help my clients and those who are interested in the FitHab® training methods; understand more the significant […]