Winter is here and FitHab is ready to help with fitness goals in the new year.


Welcome to the FitHab® website!

I would like to thank my family, friends and clients for another wonderful year and wish everyone a happy holiday season and the very best for 2025!

If you or someone you know would like to make some changes for the new year in regards to fitness, FitHab has training service options to meet your goals and needs.

FitHab offers personal one on one training services, small group training, and special needs training.

We offer gift certificates for those who want to give the gift of fitness.

If you or someone you know is motivated and wanting to make fitness their new habit, then look no further. Contact Luis to make an appointment for a free, no obligation, 30-minute consultation.

For more information about: FitHab® & Luis

Thanks. Be fit, be happy, be healthy.

20 Years! Get your 20% off!! Now; before it’s over!!!


Welcome to the FitHab website, home of Luis Torres’ personal training site.

I’m celebrating FitHab’s 20th anniversary in 2024.

New clients can sign up for an 8 week commitment to training and receive 20% off and for my current clients; you get 20% off if you commit to 16 week commitment.

The discount applies to those who commit to 1x/week training or more.

Contact me today, don’t wait and take full advantage of this offer.

A twenty year anniversary only comes once in a lifetime.

I’m so blessed and fortunate to live and be in business in the San Francisco Bay Area Peninsula for this long.

I’d like to thank God, Family, Friends, and all my clients for their support and making FitHab and me successful.

FitHab is coming back LIVE in 2024!

Asperger's / Atherton Fitness / Autism / body fat / body weight / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / MovNat / New year's resolution / obstacle course training / personal training / posture / Quality of life / Redwood City Fitness / rehabilitation / sport / Uncategorized

FitHab is coming back LIVE in 2024!

Looking to a bright future in 2024.

With happiness and pride, I announce that FitHab will be going LIVE on January 22, 2024. 

Looking forward to seeing my current clients and letting new client know that I will be working as usual, but more with preparation/recovery of cancer clients.

Thanks to family, friends, and clients for all the help.

Contact Luis @ FitHab

FitHab is ready for your fitness needs.

Asperger's / Autism / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / MovNat / personal training / posture / Redwood City Fitness / rehabilitation / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab® website!

I’ve been back teaching MovNat at Stulsaft Park and working more with my FitHab clients on thier personal training needs and goals.

Bay Area Natural Human Movement (BANHM) is hosted on

I use this social platform to communicate with members and the the community about our events.

BANHM events are a great way to socialize safely in a small group of like minded members that want to be outdoors learning and doing MovNat.

At these events we explore nature and use it to move naturally. The events can be challenging, fun, and exciting.

We climb trees and use MovNat techniques to hang and climb.

We have climbed up hills.

We learn get ups and rolling.

We learn to balanace and use different locomotive techniques.

At BANHM I teach members to move more safely, efficiently, confidently, and effectively by teaching them MovNat.

The group is a good way to start learning Movnat, but not a substitute for one on one training or buddy training with a love one or a friend; where you would get more attention to goals and needs.

If you are intrested in the group join us. If you are intrested in learning MovNat in a more personal setting then try one on one.

Im still training older adults, youth, pre and post natal, special need individuals.

Thank you for taking a moment to look at what Ive been up to lately.

Contact me here.

Bay Area Natural Human Movement is back!

Asperger's / Atherton Fitness / Autism / blog / body weight / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / images / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal training / Quality of life / Redwood City Fitness / rehabilitation / sport / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab® website!

Last month we had our first BANHM event in over a year. The pandemic has made it tough, but we are practicing safe guards, like using masks and safe distancing.

I was very fortunate to have Maya and Kevin (new members to our BANHM group) come to Woodside High School to learn and do MovNat.

We did balance, crawling, running, and more.

This month on the 20th, we have a free event at Stulsaft Park in Redwood City.

Thanks to the City of Redwood City for giving me the oppertunity to use the park again for the last 7 years to spread the word of MovNat in the community.

Here are some memories of past BANHM events at Stulsaft Park.

So if you are interested in joining us; please click this link (FitHab BANHM) and RSVP on our group page hosted on

And if you are looking to learn MovNat in private one on one or in a smaller group personal setting, I offer these services.

FitHab is still providing top notch personal training servecices in the San mateo county area, if MovNat is not your cup of tea.

So if you, yours, or anyone you know wants to make fitness a habit, come and let’s get started.

Winter is here and FitHab is ready to help with fitness goals in the new year.

Asperger's / Atherton Fitness / Autism / body fat / body weight / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / gallery / group training / MovNat / New year's resolution / obstacle course training / personal training / Redwood City Fitness / rehabilitation / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab® website!

I would like to thank my family, friends and clients for another wonderful year and wish everyone a happy holiday season and the very best for 2020!

If you or someone you know would like to make some changes for the new year in regards to fitness, FitHab has training service options to meet your goals and needs.

FitHab offers personal one on one training services, small group training, and special needs training.

We offer gift certificates for those who want to give the gift of fitness.

If you or someone you know is motivated and wanting to make fitness their new habit, then look no further. Contact Luis to make an appointment for a free, no obligation, 30-minute consultation.

For more information about: FitHab® & Luis

Thanks. Be fit, be happy, be healthy.

Luis Torres

The Autum weather and COVID-19

body fat / body weight / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / Uncategorized

Welcome to the FitHab website!

I hope my message finds you and yours safe, healthy, and fit.

So happy to see that these large fires have been extinguished and that people are outside again breathing cleaner air.

It’s great to see families out walking, joggers, cyclists, and others moving about the community.

Many people are concerned with the spike in COVID-19 in the recent weeks.

People interested in training have asked me if I wear any PPE (personal protection equipment) when I train.

The answer is most definitely, YES.

Safety above all!

Training is done outdoors in fresh air and hopefully in the beautiful California sunshine.

The weather is getting cooler and its been raining lately. So my clients and I continue to train outdoors under a covering structure or we wear warmer and waterproof clothing. We maintain safe physical distance and not be enclosed.

We have continued our training efforts by following the safety standards needed to protect and respect life and health.

How can you complete any mission if you don’t put safety first?

So I continue my mission through FitHab® to contribute in the improvement in quality of life by helping clients and the community understand the importance of active living, by motivating and supporting them with knowledge to help overcome uncertainties.

I look forward to teaching fitness habits to you or some one you care about.

Thank you to my family, friends, and clients for all the support in these times.

Get moving this October!

Asperger's / Autism / blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / COVID-19 & Fitness / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal training / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / Uncategorized

I hope my message finds you and yours safe, healthy, fit, and free of the smoke and fires.

Last time I posted this picture and the sky looked apocalyptic.

A week later the air was back to normal.

The fact that these fires are occurring earlier and more often has made my line of work difficult but not impossible.

The fires have significantly contaminated air quality and we can take measures to prevent or reduce the effects it has on us.

On days when the air quality is bad, usually at around 150+ or less for sensitive individuals, I cancel training outdoors. Training can be done online indoors, so my clients can get their workout at home or work. I recommend that clients use HEPA air filters to clean the air indoors and especially when exercising. The effects of smoke/contamination are significant and people should protect themselves from contaminated air and more so when breathing frequently and deeply due to exercise.

When temperatures are higher than usual and air quality is bad, people should take appropriate precautions to ensure a safe exercise environment. Heat has an impact on how we perform and feel and especially when we exercise. Add bad air quality and heat and you get a bad mix. Proper hydration, keeping cool, being in a clean air environment will help prevent the effects of these enviromental variables.

Making the appropriate adjustments to exercise safer in these challenging times of COVID-19, smokey air, and high temperatures is top priority.

If you have any questions and/or are interested in getting into fitness habits that work; please feel free to contact me to get you or someone you know started.

Thank you for your visit and look forward to hearing from you.