Welcome to the FitHab® website.
November brings change in weather to the Bay Area. Rain or cold weather can slow or stop many people from exercising. Weather can be a factor in what many people may choose to do for exercise.
It shouldn’t stop anyone from starting or continuing their work on improving or maintaining their fitness levels. In these months where the cold and/or the rain effects the usual outdoor training sessions, we adapt by training indoors.
Most of what I teach my clients can be used in many or all environments. That’s the beauty of teaching MovNat and other exercise methods that have the ability to meet situational and/or enviromental demands, (contextual demands).
So if you feel that you are lost and don’t know what to do and don’t want to go to a gym to exercise, please contact me to get you back on track.
Time had an article the other day on the web with an informational video that educates and informs people on the effects of not exercising. The information is eyeopening and powerful. Check it out!
If you are interested in training and want to learn more about what I can do for you, please read about me and my services.
Thank you for visiting and I look forward to meeting you or someone you know that can benefit from my services. Contact me for a free, no obligation 30 minute consultation.
Take good care, be fit and have purpose.