All posts filed under: videos

Tools to use when movement is restricted.

change your life / fitness / personal training / rehabilitation / sport / Uncategorized / videos

Welcome to the FitHab® website. I hope this finds you and yours safe and healthy. For the last couple of weeks I have been keeping myself busy with tools that I use with my clients. After a nice run and practicing social distancing while running, I came home and used the TRX Rip Trainer to round out my workout. As Randy Hetrick once said, ” It is the perfect reciprocal to the TRX Suspension Trainer. […]

Fall is here. So fall back into shape with fitness habits that work!

Asperger's / Autism / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / improve memory for work / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / Uncategorized / videos

Welcome to the FitHab® website. If you or someone you know wants to begin a fitness program and doesn’t know where or how to start, or maybe what you are doing is not working or is causing you injury and/or pain; it’s time we meet and get you started on some fitness habits that work. FitHab® is a niche personal fitness training service provider that caters to the client’s needs. I teach natural human movement […]

April is Autism Awareness Month

Asperger's / Autism / blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / MovNat / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / Uncategorized / videos

Hi and thanks for checking in on the FitHab® website. Once again, April is autism awareness month. I just want to give thanks, respect, and encouragement to my past and present autistic/Asperger’s clients and to make the community aware of how they benefit greatly from exercise. If you know someone who could benefit from exercise, please contact me for a free consultation. Please watch some of my past and current clients on this video. Thanks […]

Stay active in November.

blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / improve memory for work / life / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / PHA training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

Welcome to the FitHab® website. November brings change in weather to the Bay Area. Rain or cold weather can slow or stop many people from exercising. Weather can be a factor in what many people may choose to do for exercise. It shouldn’t stop anyone from starting or continuing their work on improving or maintaining their fitness levels. In these months where the cold and/or the rain effects the usual outdoor training sessions, we adapt […]

April Autism Awareness Month

Asperger's / Autism / blog / body fat / body weight / change your life / disabilities / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / gallery / group training / images / life / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / sport / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

Hi and thanks for checking in on the FitHab® website. Once again, April is autism awareness month. I just want to give thanks, respect, and encouragement to my past and present autistic/Asperger’s clients and to make the community aware of how they benefit greatly from exercise. If you know someone who could benefit from exercise, please contact me for a free consultation. Please watch some of my past and current clients on this video. Thanks […]

It’s a lot about your posture!

blog / change your life / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / gallery / life / MovNat / personal / personal training / posture / Quality of life / rehabilitation / thoughts / Uncategorized / videos

  Welcome to the FitHab® website! I just wanted to share some super valuable information with you and anyone who is willing to look, listen, and learn. When I meet with my clients for the first time, we do an evaluation. In the evaluation, a major component is the postural analysis. The analysis allows me to assess the client’s posture and see any postural deviations.  If any postural deviations are found (in most cases I […]

Study: Climbing Trees Significantly Improves Working Memory

body weight / change your life / fitness / fitness training with disabilities. / group training / life / memory / MovNat / obstacle course training / personal / personal training / quotes / thoughts / videos

A study named: THE WORKING MEMORY BENEFITS OF PROPRIOCEPTIVELY DEMANDING TRAINING: A PILOT STUDY,    By:  Ross G. Alloway, &  Tracy Packiam Alloway. In the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills Volume 120, Issue 3, June 2015: 766–775.; has given scientific research support for my phyilosophy of fitness training methodologies. The article found on CBS Tampa, Softpedia, and more, can help my clients and those who are interested in the FitHab® training methods; understand more the significant […]